The Key to Body Balance
In the search for valuable wellness treatments, we discovered craniosacral therapy. It is not a trendy wellness phenomenon but centuries-old knowledge about the energy flow in the human body.
In the search for valuable wellness treatments, we discovered craniosacral therapy. It is not a trendy wellness phenomenon but centuries-old knowledge about the energy flow in the human body.
Craniosacral therapy is a holistic form of therapy that has its roots in osteopathy. It was developed by Dr. William Garner Sutherland and is based on the idea that the body has a natural ability for self-healing. The therapy focuses on the craniosacral system and uses gentle manual techniques to restore balance in the body
Craniosacral Bodywork (for Children and Adults)
Kinesiological Taping
Treatments with Aromatherapy Oils, Honey, Ayurveda, and Hot Stones
I see it as my calling to accompany people on their journey to reclaiming their own strength. For me, the person comes first. I look forward to supporting you.
Nindler family
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A-9544 Feld am See
F +43 4246 2274 50
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